Monday 17 August 2015

One's from the Archive...

There's an awlful thing that can happen to a young aspiring designer, whose creative flair, skills and evidence of the above relies on the technology of today. 
And, that it have one's laptop harddrive go kaput, as mine has done recently.

Luckily for me, as well as most (I hope) other young aspiring designers, is that the internet forms a beautiful web for trapping up information and holding memories that may otherwise be lost. For example; my portfolio exists online, my iphone photos are stored in the cloud, my dropbox is brimming with usefully random documents, and my junk hotmail account is spammed with subjectless emails with as many attatchments as they can hold. 

So, in focusing on the positives (the negatives being that I foolishly hadn't backed up since February, meaning I have lost 6 months of digital camera photos, uni work and the enterity of my sunmer personal project...), I am always aware that data is simply matter, and holding onto memories is the most important thing. However I am so aware that I love publicly musing upon my memories, capturing them through curated images and words, of which a blog is perfect. 

I was a lot better last Summer at blogging, however I struggle to keep it up as a routine. I become concerned if the memory isn't recent, as I cannot recall interesting details. All this said though, I do not see myself as an aspiring journalistic or reviewing writer (though I do like to dabble when abroad.) I see my self as a creative writer - playing upon the boundaries between fact, fiction, poetry and prose. Which is just simply a fancy way to say I have no idea what I'm writing (I do try to make it funny though in parts...) I have been trying to learn some tips by listening to lectures upon the subject, and one makes the point that writing a whole load of unedited gobbledy gook is a good way to begin. 

Writing is like a muscle, so like any muscle simply using it will make it stronger and better. Hence, I feel I should push myself back into the habit, and due to my recent experience there is no better place to do it than online. Using my own photos of places, experiences, and things I find inspiring and motivate my creative practise, it will help me form ideas for further writing and video work. All the content will be 'From the Archive', and not focusing on the details of each memory (of which I cannot recall), but instead carve out new ideas and highlight running themes, in attempt to learn more about myself as welll as remind myself how special every moment and memory is. Well, that is the plan anyway...

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